Wiley Releases ‘Legal Guide’ by Slone, Goldstein, and Gowder
Dan Slone, along with Doris Goldstein and Andrew Gowder, Jr., have authored an important contribution to the literature of urban betterment. It is A Legal Guide to Urban and Sustainable Development for Planners, Developers, and Architects.
Andres Duany writes in the Forward: “Urbanism is not about simplicity or isolation. The question each true urbanist must ask is not, “How do I make my peace work.” It is, “How can my piece help the community work.” After all, walkability, mixed use, diversity, and density have their discontents. All sorts of things can go wrong. A good nighttime bar can annoy the neighbors; a narrow, pedestrian-friendly street can worry the fire chief. The urbanist must be skilled at knowing what can go wrong no less than knowing what is to be done. This book’s authors are at the heart of this recovering skill set – they are the pioneers in the design of the operating system of community. By operating system I mean the system that integrates that raw stuff of humans, buildings, commerce, thoroughfares, and landscape with money provided by designers and developers so that it comes to life as smoothly as possible…The authors have a reverse engineered success.”
Click on the link above for the table of contents and more information from the publisher, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., or here for Dan’s book on Amazon.com.

Legal Guide to Urban and Sustainable Development for Planners, Developers, and Architects